
  • Front end tools

Publish private npm package with github actions and packages

Open source projects are great, but there are times when we really need our NPM packages to be private. npmjs is the default registry for node packages, and although it is possible to host private packages there, it costs! Using github packages instead also has the advantage of keeping both our codebase and published package within the same ecosystem. In this article we'll look at how to use github actions to create a new github package.

Written by James WrightRead full article
  • Front end tools

Set up ESLint, Prettier, Commitizen, Husky and friends in 2022

A good developer experience when working with a front end javascript project is really important. We're going to look at integrating ESLint, Prettier, Commitizen and Husky git hooks (plus a few other things!), to ensure your codebase is consistent and easy to work with.

Written by James WrightRead full article
  • Performance

Web image optimization best practices techniques in 2022

As well as being vital for providing users with a quick to load experience, image optimisation is now set to play a key role in SEO with the increased importance of Google’s Core Web Vitals in determining ranking. Let's look at some of the things to think about when working with images in our application.

Written by James WrightRead full article